Bamberry Turnover Bats – A Spooky Twist on a Vintage Recipe

Bamberry Turnover Bats—A Spooky Twist on a Vintage Recipe

It’s that time of the year again—Dinner is Served 1972‘s annual Pieathalon, and yours ghoulishly was incredibly excited to participate this year along with 13 other vintage recipe enthusiasts & bloggers.

The 6th Annual PieathalonThe Pieathalon’s challenge is simple: we all submit a recipe to Yinzerella of Dinner is Served 1972, and then she swaps the recipe among us and we bake the recipe we’re assigned. Sounds fun, right?

As you’ve probably guessed, due to my collection of vintage magazines, cookbooks, and my entire Pinterest board that is dedicated to regrettable food of yesteryear, I was tempted to pick something absolutely revolting, but decided to be a bit kinder and instead picked the recipe for Huntingdon Fidget Pie out of my original copy of Cooking Price-Wise by Vincent Price. The book has since been republished, but I actually own a rare copy of the original run. Everything I have made out of Vincent’s cookbooks has been fantastic, and I wanted to share the joy and experience of reading and preparing one of his recipes with someone else. S.S. over at A Book of Cookrye ended up getting my recipe selection and you can read their write-up and review here.

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Ashland Times Gazette Cookbook - Bamberry Turnover RecipeWhat is especially cool about S.S. receiving my recipe selection, is that I also received theirs! S.S. selected this recipe for Bamberry Turnovers from The Ashland Times-Gazette Cookbook: A Book of Selected Recipes. This is a 1934 handout book from Ohio, that contains recipes and adverts focusing on Depression-era inexpensive ingredients. While the book showcased several pies that grace diner menus today (butterscotch, lemon, coconut cream, pecan, Boston cream, pumpkin, rhubarb custard, etc.), S.S. chose the “weird” one, and I was happy to give it a try!

Now, before getting too far into the recipe, I must preface this by mentioning that I am injured at the moment, with my hand in a brace. So these absolutely are not the most beautiful bat-shaped pastries in the underworld, but it’s what’s inside that counts, right? So, with that said…let’s get to the recipe!

This vintage recipe for Bamberry Turnovers couldn’t be simpler—you’re basically taking sugar-soaked dried fruit, and combining it with even more sugar, a little lemon juice, and saltine crackers. While I do own a couple of vintage grinders, I decided to enlist the help of my trusty Vita-Mix high-speed blender to get the job done. After the mixture has been ground up, you simply spoon it out onto round pastry cut-outs, and fold over to seal.

But, you know me—as The Homicidal Homemaker, I had to add my own spooky twist to these Bamberry Turnovers, so instead of rounds, I used a medium-sized bat-shaped cookie cutter. The filling is SUPER sweet, so instead of making these “large” as-written, I opted for a smaller size. Assembly was easy—cut out two bat shapes; lightly brush the edges of the bottom crust with a bit of water. Then spoon a small amount of filling in the middle. Top with the upper crust, and press the edges to seal. Then use the tines of a fork to crimp the edges, and poke holes in the top to vent.Bamberry Turnovers Recipe

The recipe states to bake in a “quick oven”, which comes from the time when it was common to have a wood-burning stove without a temperature gauge in the kitchen, and usually means anywhere from 400-425°F. Since it is summertime in California, I opted for baking these in my air fryer so I could up the temperature without baking the entire house. I pre-heated the air fryer to 400°F, inserted the baking rack, and baked the turnovers in a parchment lined pan, three at a time for approximately six minutes, just until nicely golden brown.

Regardless of how simple the ingredients and prep were, these were surprisingly flavorful and tasty! I really wanted to keep the integrity of the original recipe as-written, so I refrained from the urge to add a bit of cinnamon and nutmeg to the filling, but I really think if I were to make these again, I absolutely would. I’d also prefer to brush the upper crusts with a bit of egg wash or butter and sprinkle with coarse sugar. And the possibilities are endless—I imagine that you could use any dried fruit in place of the raisins. Cranberries, apricots, cherries…pick your poison!

Thank you to S.S. from A Book of Cookrye for sharing this recipe, and to Yinzerella from Dinner is Served 1972 for including me in this year’s Pieathalon! Be sure to check out the rest of the pies from the other bloggers below.

Dinner is Served 1972Salvador Dali’s Oasis Leek Pie
Dr. BobbMacaroon Pie
Kitchen ConfidenceBetty Crocker Hawaiian Pie
Culinary Adventures with CamillaFlaming Peach Pie
Recipes4RebelsArtichoke Pie
The Nostalgic CookCheese Applesauce Pie
Velveteen Lounge Kitsch-enAngel Pie
Vintage Recipe CardsSalmon Custard Pie
Vincent Price Legacy UKWeight Watchers Cherry Pies
Granny PantriesBanana Split Pie
A Book of CookryeHuntingdon Fidget Pie
Retro Food for Modern TimesHoney Cream Cheese Pie
Silver Screen SuppersSpaghetti Pie

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  1. I applaud you with both my hands for doing such a smashing job with just one of yours!
    Thank you so much for being a pieathlete–I am already looking forward to pieathalon 7

  2. Love the bats! And I bet that filling is delicious. I was a little stumped by the addition of the saltines, but maybe they just work as a thickener?

  3. I have a cupboard full of vintage recipe books, I should go through them, see if anything stands out and share them with you. Some are flat out weird though…. like, ammonia cake recipe weird. 😶 but mostly just vintage “weird”.

  4. This sounds daft, but I never thought to cut two pieces of crust and press them together- I always thought they had to be folded in half and there was no other way. It just never occurred to me. Thank you for opening to me the possibility of asymmetrical hand pies!
    The bats look so cute, and I’m glad the recipe was a good one!

    • Technically, turnovers are actually folded over, so I guess the two pieces of crust pressed together would be a “hand-pie”, haha. But it totally works with any shape cookie cutter, and makes it super easy to customize them for different holidays. I usually make bleeding coffin pies when I have extra pie filling leftover…yum! I hope the post inspires you to make some, and I’d love to see pics if you do! Thank you for checking out my post!

    • Aw, thank you so much Chavella! I have both hands, but my dominant hand unfortunately doesn’t work as well as it should, lol! Hoping to make some more Bat Turnovers (or hand-pies, as some call them) a try when I’m all better. So glad you loved the recipe, Chavella!

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