Poltergeist Steak Fudge & Fried Chicken Candy
Learn how to recreate one of the most stomach-churning scenes from Poltergeist…as candy! Both of these recipes are simple to make, and neither one will cause you to peel your face off in the bathroom.
Creepy Fresh Meat Red Velvet Rice Krispy Treats (Video Update)
A video update of THE ORIGINAL Raw Meat Red Velvet Rice Krispy Treats. Recreated by many, these gruesome treats are perfect for your next Halloween party!
Gross-Out Your Guests with Dead Alive Custard!
Yeah, I went there! Inspired by one of the most stomach-churning scenes in the film, this recipe for Dead Alive Custard might one a bit squeamish. But after one bite of this white chocolate custard with a homemade strawberry sauce, you'll change your mind!
Dead and Berried Sangria – a Cocktail Fit for an Undead Crowd!
Sometimes serving drinks for a crowd can get a bit scary...who wants to be stuck behind the bar prepping drinks during their party? My recipe for my Dead and Berried Sangria is perfect for serving a crowd, while controlling how much alcohol your guests are indulging in.
All in the Reflexes: Big Trouble in Little China Dragon Green Eyes Cocktail
This sweet, jade-green cocktail inspired by John Carpenter's "Big Trouble in Little China" is deceptively potent. I take no responsibility if you find yourself in "big trouble" after enjoying a few of these drinks!
Quick & Easy DIY Pumpkin Spice Coffee Syrup
Don't be a bonehead and wait until fall to enjoy a $5 pumpkin spice latte–make this easy & inexpensive homemade pumpkin spice coffee syrup to enjoy ALL year long!
Scare Up Your Backyard BBQ with a Brain Macaroni Salad! (Version 2.0)
Macaroni salad is a staple of any summer cookout. But horror fans can put a morbid twist on this old standby, by putting that brain gelatin mold to use and making my Brain Macaroni Salad. Yes! You can use your brain gelatin mold for much more than just JELL-O!
Stay as “Cool as a Corpse” with Cookies and Scream Tombstone Popsicles!
Learn how to make some bone-chilling Cookies & Scream Tombstone Pudding Popsicles that are a snap to put together! Click here for this recipe (including a vegan variation) and other horror themed recipes!
Spook-Out Your Kitchen with Sourpuss Clothing Black Cat Housewares
Add Vintage Halloween Kitsch with Sourpuss Clothing Black Cat Housewares
I’m a big fan of Sourpuss Clothing and their spooky, vintage-inspired items, and judging by my closet, I really love their black...
Hi-C Ecto Cooler is Back! – Review + Ghostbusters Ecto-1 Cocktail Recipe
I’ve always said: if the 80’s & 90’s had a flavor, it would be Hi-C Ecto Cooler.
Now, as a self-proclaimed “retro snack enthusiast”, I’ve always held hope that Ecto Cooler would...